I have turned on the auto-increment version number feature on my Delphi 3 project. I have an About box, and would like to have the program get the version number that the complier generates. I found a function with Delphi's crappy help files and tried the following: procedure TAboutBoxCHDIR.FormCreate( Sender: TObject); VAR VerStr, FName: PChar; begin VerStr:= StrAlloc(255); FName:= StrAlloc(255); FName:= StrPCopy(Fname, Application.Exename); GetVersionOfFile(LongInt(F Name), LongInt(VerStr), 254); Version.Caption:= 'Version ' + StrPas(VerStr); StrDispose(FName); StrDispose(VerStr); end; But, it seems Borland didn't include the DLLs required for the GetVersionOfFile() function and the necessary interface unit.
The CompilerVersion constant identifies the internal version number of the Delphi compiler. It is defined in the System unit and may be referenced either in code just as any other constant. This topic explains how to prepare applications created with Embarcadero Delphi 2010 for AQtime. To learn how to prepare applications created with other Delphi versions, see Compiler Settings for Native Applications. To prepare a Delphi 2010 application for AQtime, you must first ensure that it includes debug information. [citation needed] Because Delphi is trademarked, compatible compilers continued using the name Object Pascal. Embarcadero Technologies, which purchased Delphi in 2008, [3] sells the Delphi IDE that compiles the Delphi dialect of Object Pascal to Windows and macOS, iOS, Android and Web.