Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary - Movie Type: Plot Summary: Kido Saori is a young girl troubled by her mysterious powers. She is saved by Seiya from an assassin sent to kill her. Saori then learns she is the reincarnation of the Goddess Athena with Seiya being one of her 88 Saints. Upon learning of her destiny, she heads to the Sanctuary to wage war against its Pope. Seiya, alongside fellow Bronze Saints Hyouga, Shiryuu, Shun, and Ikki must pass through the twelve Zodiac Temples in Athena's Sanctuary in twelve hours, in order to save their goddess Athena from imminent death. They must confront each of the twelve Gold Saints that guard each of the temples in order to reach the cure that will save Athena. Genre: Released: 2014 Status: Completed.
Alt title: Knights of the Zodiac Movie 4: Warriors of the Final Holy Battle. Lucifer has returned to Earth, and together with his fallen angels, he plans to take over the Holy Sanctuary of the Gods. He calls upon Poseidon, Abel and Eris to help him conquer the Earth, but what he.