Import Pst To Windows 10 Mail
Just upgraded from Win7 to Win10. I had thousands of old saved emails in Windows Mail (the local computer based Win7 compatible mail client, not the webmail).
Win10 says my old mail is still there, and SAYS I can import it, and I have the Win10 email app working. But I see no method, and discover none up to now, to import anything into the Win10 email client. Very frustrated as I have two decades of email there (having migrated forward from Outlook Express, to Vista's mail client, and then to Windows Mail under Win7.
Forget about the so-called Mail app in Windows 10. Your outlook express is ten times more sophisticated than that one. My suggestion: Install Windows Live Mail and export your Outlook Express messages and contacts to WLM. WLM download: WLM is one of the programs included in Windows Essentials (formerly known as Windows Live Essentials.) Export OE / Import WLM I don't have enough experience to show you how to do the export/import procedures. Some one with experience in Mail will come along to help you. Meanwhile do some googling. I use Outlook Express on my my Windows 8.1 / dual boot XP here at home and Outlook Express on my computer at work.
Import Outlook Pst File To Windows 10 Mail
Guardare film italiano gratis. Importing Outlook Express email files to Windows 10 mail program. Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Johnnydot, Sep 14, 2015.